COMMERCIAL ELECTRONIC MESSAGE EXPRESS CONSENT TEXT. This text is signed by Markalab Giyim Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.Ş. Announcing general/special opportunities about the services offered by the Company, conducting a satisfaction survey regarding the services offered, informing about current developments, sending congratulatory messages, sharing content such as presentations and bulletins, sending commercial electronic messages to me for promotion and advertisement in accordance with the relevant legislation, communication that my information, identity information and marketing information are taken for these purposes in order to carry out the goods / service sales and advertising / campaign / promotion processes and that messages will be sent to me through the channel I prefer, that I can always change my communication preferences or stop the communication by rejecting the transaction specified in the messages I receive without giving any reason, and SMS/text message, automatic call, phone call, pop-up, push notification, social media and online advertising networks, e-mail/mail and other electronic communication tools-channels in accordance with the law By sending me commercial electronic messages and by Markalab Giyim Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.Ş. 07:15 effect 8’de Sağlık 08:30 Müge ve Gülşen'le 2.
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COMMERCIAL ELECTRONIC MESSAGE EXPRESS CONSENT TEXT. This text is signed by Markalab Giyim Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.Ş. Announcing general/special opportunities about the services offered by the Company, conducting a satisfaction survey regarding the services offered, informing about current developments, sending congratulatory messages, sharing content such as presentations and bulletins, sending commercial electronic messages to me for promotion and advertisement in accordance with the relevant legislation, communication that my information, identity information and marketing information are taken for these purposes in order to carry out the goods / service sales and advertising / campaign / promotion processes and that messages will be sent to me through the channel I prefer, that I can always change my communication preferences or stop the communication by rejecting the transaction specified in the messages I receive without giving any reason, and SMS/text message, automatic call, phone call, pop-up, push notification, social media and online advertising networks, e-mail/mail and other electronic communication tools-channels in accordance with the law By sending me commercial electronic messages and by Markalab Giyim Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.Ş. It includes my consent for the processing of my personal data in order to be able to send commercial electronic messages and the transfer of the necessary information for this process to its business partners and affiliates located abroad. I accept and declare that I have read and understood this text regarding commercial electronic messages to be sent to me.. +18 video uygulamaları.
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